Betriebe und Arbeiter in späten Industrialisierungsprozessen : eine empirische Untersuchung betrieblicher Arbeitsverhältnisse und Sozialbeziehungen in Lateinamerika am Beispiel Kolumbiens


What sort of work and employment relations have developed in the late industrialization process in Colombia? How are occupational trajectories of industrial workers related to social and industrial change? The text presents some core findings of a joint research project funded by the Volkswagen Foundation between 1987 and 1990.The project was carried out in cooperation with a team of sociologists from the National University in Bogota. The research included field work in 18 companies from several industries in Bogota as well as interviews with more than 500 workers. The text sums up the debate on late industrialization and analyzes industrial development and labour relations in Colombia. Main chapters deal with organizational structure and change of industrial companies and with work biografies and trajectories of different cohorts of workers in a segmented labour market

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