Uvod u planimetriju kvazieliptičke ravnine


The quasi-elliptic plane is one of nine projective-metric planes where the metric is induced by the absolute figure F_{QE} = { j_1; j_2;F} consisting of a pair of conjugate imaginary lines j_1 and j_2, intersecting at the real point F. Some basic geometric notions, denitions, selected constructions and a theorem in the quasi-elliptic plane will be presented.Kvazieliptička ravnina jedna je od devet projektivno-metričkih ravnina. Apsolutnu figuru F_{QE} = { j_1; j_2;F} određuju dva imaginarna pravca j_1 i j_2 i njihovo realno sjecište F. U ovom radu definirat ćemo osnovne pojmove, prikazati odabrane konstrukcije i dokazati jedan teorem

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