
Uvod: Zadovoljstvo mladih liječnika vezano je ponajprije uz edukaciju tijekom specijalizacije i uvjetima rada. S obzirom na znatan odljev liječnika iz Republike Hrvatske, cilj istraživanja bio je evaluirati zadovoljstvo mladih liječnika. Metode: Povjerenstvo za mlade liječnike Hrvatske liječničke komore izradilo je anketu o zadovoljstvu mladih liječnika. Anketa je bila dostupna za ispunjavanje u razdoblju od 1. 2. do 20. 3. 2016. godine putem interneta. Rezultati: Anketu je ispunila 1531 osoba, srednje dobi 32 godine (raspon 29 – 35), 67% ženskog spola. Pedeset osam posto ispitanika napustilo bi Republiku Hrvatsku ako bi im se pružila prilika. Glavni razlozi odlaska jesu bolji uvjeti rada (74%), uređenost zdravstvenog sustava (64%) i bolja plaća (64%). U budućnosti svoj profesionalni status i razvoj ostankom ocjenjuju većinom nepromijenjen (44%). Zaključak: Rezultati pokazuju visoku razinu nezadovoljstva zdravstvenim sustavom, segmentima specijalističkog usavršavanja i ulogom mentora. Analizom čimbenika koji utječu na zadovoljstvo mladih liječnika omogućuju se razrada i donošenje mjera kojima će se navedeni trend umanjiti.Introduction: The satisfaction of junior medical doctors is primarily associated with the training they receive during the residency period and working conditions. Given a considerable brain-drain of medical doctors from the Republic of Croatia, the present research focused on the evaluation of the satisfaction of junior medical doctors. Methodology: The Junior Doctors Committee of the Croatian Medical Chamber prepared a questionnaire on the satisfaction of junior doctors. The relevant questionnaire was available for filling in online in the period from February 1 to March 20, 2016. Results: The questionnaire was completed by 1,531 persons aged between 29 and 35 (mean age 32) of which 67% were females. A 58% of respondents would leave the Republic of Croatia if offered an opportunity. The main reasons for leaving the country include better working conditions (74%), well-regulated healthcare system (64%) and higher wages (64%). In case of staying in the country, their future professional status and development would remain unaltered (44%). Conclusion: The questionnaire results show a high level of dissatisfaction with the healthcare system, some segments of the specialist training and the mentor role. The analysis of factors affecting the satisfaction of junior doctors will facilitate the preparation and adoption of measures aiming to mitigate the above-mentioned trend

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