
Profesionalni sportaši često su podvrgnuti treninzima izdržljivosti u okolišu u kojem su kronično izloženi inhalacijskim onečišćivačima/iritansima, alergenima ili hladnom zraku. Ti čimbenici dovode do povećanog rizika od razvoja disfunkcije gornjih i donjih dišnih putova. Upravo je u toj specifičnoj populaciji dijagnoza astme krucijalna zbog potencijalnog učinka ne samo na njihovo opće stanje nego i na natjecateljske sposobnosti. Simptomi astme u vrhunskih sportaša nisu nužno povezani s klasičnim obilježjima astme u općoj populaciji. I drugi klinički entiteti mogu stvarati simptome slične onima u astmi i zbog toga mogu voditi netočnoj dijagnozi i neuspješnu liječenju. Zbog toga je za postavljanje konačne dijagnoze potrebna kombinacija simptoma i pozitivnih laboratorijskih testova. Trenutačno ne postoji dokaz da se postupanje s astmom u sportaša treba razlikovati od postupanja s astmom u nesportaša. Međutim, neka specifična pitanja treba uzeti u obzir u vrhunskih sportaša, poput usklađenosti s pravilima Svjetske antidopinške agencije i Međunarodnog olimpijskog odbora.Elite athletes are often subjected to endurance training in the environment in which they are chronically exposed to pollutants/irritants, allergens or cold air. These factors lead to an increased risk of upper and lower respiratory tract dysfunction. The diagnosis of asthma is crucial in elite athletes because of potential implications on athlete’s general well–being as well as their competitive ability. Symptoms of asthma in elite athletes are not necessarily associated with the classic features of asthma seen in general population. Other clinical entities can create symptoms similar to those of asthma and therefore can lead to an incorrect diagnosis and ineffective treatment. The diagnosis requires a combination of symptoms and positive laboratory tests. Currently, there is no evidence that the treatment of asthma in athletes should be different from the treatment of asthma in non-athletes. However, some specific issues need to be considered in the elite athletes, such as compliance with the rules of World Anti-Doping Agency and International Olympic Committee

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