
Svrha ovog rada bila je utvrditi učestalost ozljeda u djece pregledane u hitnoj službi Kliničkoga bolničkog centra Split, a zatim odrediti mehanizme kojima su te ozljede nastale, kao i vrstu i težinu ozljeda. Prikupljeni su podaci o djeci koja su u razdoblju od siječnja do srpnja 2009. pregledana u Kliničkome bolničkom centru Split zbog ozljeda. Za svako dijete upisani su ovi pokazatelji: dob, spol, anatomska raspodjela ozljeda, mehanizam, Injury Severity Score (ISS), kao i potreba za prijmom u bolnicu ili jedinicu intenzivnog liječenja djece (JILD). Za određivanje statističke značajnosti rezultata korišteni su hi-kvadrat i Mann-Whitneyev test. Među ozlijeđenom djecom bilo je više dječaka (65,6%). Najviše ozlijeđenih bilo je u dobnoj skupini od 13 do 18 godina. Od 3221 djeteta pregledanog u hitnoj službi 96% imalo je lakše ozljede (ISS<10), a 3,7% njih bilo je hospitalizirano. Udovi su bili najčešće ozlijeđeni (67,1%), a pad je uzrokovao ozljedu u 71,3% djece. Djeci ozlijeđenoj u prometnim nesrećama hospitalizacija je bila potrebna mnogo češće (25%) nego onoj koja su ozljedu zadobila bilo kojim drugim mehanizmom. Prometne nesreće bile su najčešće u starijoj dobnoj skupini. Većina žrtava bili su putnici u automobilu, a većini ozlijeđenih u prometnoj nesreći vodeća ozlijeđena regija tijela bila je glava. Djeca s ozljedom glave i ona ozlijeđena u prometnoj nesreći bila su češće hospitalizirana i primljena u JILD od ostale djece. Zaključujemo da su udovi najčešće ozlijeđena regija tijela u djece pregledane u hitnoj službi, a najučestaliji mehanizam ozljeda je pad. Međutim najteže su ozljede glave, a većinom su posljedica prometnih nesreća. Ovi su podaci važni za programe prevencije ozljeda u zajednici.The aim of this study was to determine characteristics of injuries of children admitted to the Emergency Department (ED) of University Hospital Split, and also to define the mechanisms of injuries, as well as the type and severity of injuries. We evaluated 3,221 children with injuries treated in the ED of the University Hospital of Split in the period from January to July 2009. The following indicators were analyzed: age, gender, anatomic distribution of injuries, mechanism, Injury Severity Score (ISS) and the need for hospital and intensive care admission. Chi-square and Mann-Whitney tests were used in order to determine statistical relevance of the results. Boys were more often injured than girls (65.6%), and most of the injured children were older than 13 years (41.7%). The majority of patients (96%) had minor injuries (ISS<10), and only 3.7% of patients were hospitalized. The majority of injuries were caused by falls (71.3%), and limbs were the most frequently injured body region (67.1%). However, road traffic accidents (RTA) required hospitalization more often than any other mechanism (25% of patients), and the leading injury in RTA victims was head injury (38% of patients). Older children were more susceptible to RTAs (64.5%), and the majority of children were injured as passengers in cars (36.4%). Children with head injuries, and those injured in RTAs, were more often hospitalized and more often admitted to intensive care unit than other patients. The most frequently injured body region in children treated in ED are limbs, and the most frequent mechanism of injury is fall. However, the most severe are head injuries, and the majority of severe injuries are caused by RTAs. These data are important for programs of injury prevention

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