Facial clefting in a XVII - XVI centuries BC from Lchashen site, Armenia


This paper identifies the presence of facial clefting in archaeological population from Middle Bronze Age and Late Bronze Age in Armenia. The remains of skeleton from Lchashen site (burial 221/2), comprise the skull and post-cranial skeleton of a female 30-39 years. Macroscopic physical examination revealed that individual suffered from inflammation. Considering the ethnographic aspects, the study reveals that inflammation possibly caused by because of sinusitis or inhaling polluted air for a long duration. In addition, we have seen skeletal evidence for pulmonary disease: tuberculosis. The severe dental wear is a direct result of the food processing techniques used by prehistoric Armenia. We have seen evidence of interpersonal violence. All of these factors suggest that the female from Lchashen led a physically strenuous lifestyle. Before us is the individual with signs of intensive exercise stresses

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