Towards Methodological Principles for Experience Textile Archaeology. Experimental Approach to the Aegean Bronze Age Textile Techniques in the Institute of Archaeology, University of Warsaw


Eksperimentalna arheologija često se koristi u istraživanju tekstila i tekstilne proizvodnje u pretpovijesti s ciljem da se objasne operativni aspekti proizvodnje tekstila i funkcionalnosti alatki za obradu tekstila, za proučavanje procesa oštećenja i propadanja tkanine, kao i za rekonstrukciju drevnih tekstila i odjeće. „Iskustvena tekstilna arheologija” jest termin kojim se opisuju ispitivanja i pokušaji eksperimentalnog karaktera koje provode osobe koje nisu vješti obrtnici kako bi se kroz vlastitu praksu upoznali s tehnikama proizvodnje tekstila. Iako je važnost iskustvene arheologije kao pedagoškog alata već prije prepoznata, iskustveni pristup rijetko stvara analogije koje bi se mogle dalje koristiti u akademskoj raspravi. Međutim, prema mišljenju autorice, iskustveni testovi i pokusi, ako su dobro pripremljeni, zabilježeni i provedeni kroz dulje razdoblje, također mogu doprinijeti povećanju znanja o tekstilnom obrtu prošlih društava. Autorica je predstavila metodološke principe koji se preporučuju za iskustvene aktivnosti, a odnose se na ispitivanja provedena uz pomoć studenata arheologije Sveučilišta u Varšavi.Experimental archaeology is commonly employed in the research on textiles and textile production in prehistory, in order to explain the operational aspects of textile manufacturing and the functionality of textile tools, to investigate fabric wear and decomposition processes, and to reconstruct ancient textiles and costumes. ‘Experience textile archaeology’ is a term which describes tests and trials of experiential character performed by actors who are not skilled craftspeople in order to get them acquainted with textile production techniques through practice. Although the importance of experience archaeology as a pedagogical tool has already been acknowledged, the experience approach rarely generates analogies that could be further exploited in the academic discourse. However, in the author’s opinion, experiential tests and trials, if well scheduled, documented and conducted over a longer period of time, may also contribute to improving the knowledge of textile craft of societies of the past. The methodological principles henceforth suggested for experience activities have been introduced by the author and concern tests conducted with students of archaeology at the University of Warsaw

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