Univerzalni jezik, lokalno iskustvo - transnacionalni pregovori


The paper addresses the texts – in the Croatian, Serbian and Bosnian language – reated to the memory of World War II and Shoah from the perspective of the second generation of artists. Local strategies of returning to the past and their function (foremostly in the context of the war 1991-1995 and the subsequent transition) will be dealt with based on the concept of Multidirectional Memory by M. Rothberg and trauma mirrorings by S. Creps. The universalised idiom Shoah, as related to its uncomforable counterpart, provides an impulse for reflecting on national traumas, painful histories, as well as the attempts to diagnose contemporary illnesses, and the conditions of memory / identity. This research will isolate similarities and differences, elaborate on the use of accents in national negotiations of the memory of Shoah / war in the area (post-Yugoslav), and further inquire whether they are described or given attention (if so, in which way) within the space of the wider Central European trend of Post-Memory literature.Rad se odnosi na tekstove hrvatskoga, srpskoga i bosanskoga jezika vezane uz sjećanje na Drugi svjetski rat i Shoah iz kruga druge generacije umjetnika. Istaknut će se lokalne strategije povratka u prošlost i njihove funkcije (prvenstveno u kontekstu rata 1991. – 1995. i tranzicije) temeljene na koncepciji višesmjernog sjećanja M. Rothberga i traumatskih zrcaljenja S. Crepsa. Univerzalizirani idiom Shoah, kao rod nelagodne paralele, daje impuls refleksiji narodnim traumama, teškim prošlostima, pokušava dijagnosticirati suvremene bolesti te stanja pamćenja/identiteta. Izdvojit će se sličnosti i razlike, pojašnjenje naglasaka u narodnim pregovorima sjećanja Shoaha / rata u području (postjugoslavenskom), potom postaviti pitanje opisuju li se ili ističu (ako da, kako) na prostoru širega, srednjoeuropskoga trenda postsjećajne književnosti

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