The conditions of tomato growing


Rajčica je jedno od najraširenijih povrća u svijetu. Jede se plod. Cvjetovi rajčice skupljeni su u cvatu u obliku grozda. Pripada skupini termofilnih kultura. Minimalna temperatura klijanja sjemena i nicanja jest 11 do 13 °C, a maksimalna oko 35 °C. Optimalna temperatura rasta jest 20 do 25 °C danju i 13 do 17 °C noću. Rast prestaje pri temperaturi nižoj od 10 °C. Pri temperaturi 0 ºC biljka strada. Potrebna je osvijetljenost najmanje 10.000 lx. Od oplođene plodnice cvijeta do zrelog potpuno obojenog ploda potrebno je 7 do 9 tjedana, ovisno o sorti, položaju cvata na biljci i uvjetima okoliša. Crvena se boja ploda ne razvija ispod 16 ºC. Uzgoj je rajčice na otvorenom moguć samo u bezmraznom razdoblju. Rast i razvoj do prvih zrelih plodova može trajati 90 do 110 dana.Tomato is one of the most widened vegetable crops in the world. Tomato fruits are useful for food. The tomato inflorescence has the form of truss. Tomato belongs to the group of warm season crops. The minimum temperatures for seed germination and plant emergence are between 11 and 13 °C, and the maximum temperatures are around 35 °C. The optimal temperatures of tomato growth are between 20 and 25 °C by day, and between 13 and 17 °C at night. The tomato growth is stopped at temperatures below 10 °C. The tomato plant is damaged by temperature of 0 °C. The tomato growth demands the least 10,000 lx of illuminance. From the ovary fertilization up to the ripe and fully coloured fruit it is necessary 7 till 9 months. That is depended on the variety, the truss position at plant, and the environment conditions. The red colour of fruit does not develop below 16 °C. The tomato growing at the open fields is possible only at frost free period. The period of the tomato growth and development up to the first ripe fruits can be lasted 90 till 110 days

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