Control of root knot nematodes of the genus Meloidogyne Goeldi, 1887 on tomatoes


Nematode korjenovih kvržica roda Meloidogyne važni su štetnici rajčice, drugoga plodovitoga povrća te više od 3000 drugih biljnih vrsta. Zbog svoje polifagnosti i visokoga potencijala razmnožavanja, ti štetnici uzrokuju znatno smanjenje prinosa povrća u zaštićenim prostorima, ali i na otvorenom. Otežan je odabir biljaka u plodoredu, zbog polifagnosti štetnika, stoga je prijeko potrebno provoditi integriranu zaštitu. Ona uključuje i ostale raspoložive agrotehničke mjere, fizikalne mjere kao što su solarizacija i termička sterilizacija, primjenu bioloških pripravaka na osnovi gljivica, bakterija i entomopatogenih nematoda, a i kemijsko suzbijanje.Root knot nematodes of the genus Meloidogyne are significant pests of tomatoes, other vegetables, and more than 3000 of other plant species. Because of its polyphagous character and high potential of reproduction, these pests cause significant reduction in the yield of vegetables in greenhouses or in the field. Selection of plants in crop rotation, because of polyphagous character of these pests, is difficult and it is therefore necessary to implement an integrated crop protection from these pests, which includes other available agro-technical measures, physical measures such as solarization and thermal sterilization, application of biological preparations based on fungi, bacteria and entomopathogenic nematodes and chemical control

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