The influence of dichlorodifluoromethan (Arcton 12, CCI2F2) on the heart of rat


Ispitano je djelovanje diklordifluormetana, Arctona 12, na srce 10 štakora. životinje koje su bile podvrgnute samo asfiksiji ili kratkoj ekspoziciji Arctonu 12 imale su blage reverzibilne promjene u elektrokardiogramu. Životinje koje su udisale Arcton 12 u vremenu od 1 do 1,5 minute imale su opsežne promjene u elektrokardiogramu i sve su uginule nakon 8-30 minuta od početka pokusa.The influence of dichlorodifluoromethane (Arcon 12) on the heart of 10 rats is studied. The animals exposed only to asphyxia or short-term action of Arcon 12 showed mild, reversible electrocardiographic changes. The animals which inhaled Arcton 12 during the period of time from 1 to 1.5 minutes had marked changes in ecg, and all died within 8-30 minutes after the beginning of experiment

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