Cardiotoxicity of propellants


Iznesen je problem kardiotoksičnosti, klor-fluornih derivata metana i etana, potisnih plinova (propellants), koji se najčešće upotrebljavaju u aerosolima. U pokusima na životinjama inhalacija potisnih plinova poremetila je srčani ritam. Zbog široke upotrebe aerosola istaknuta je nužnost daljeg istraživanja o toksičnosti potisnih plinova.The paper deals with the problem of cardiotoxicity of propellants - the chloro-fluoro derivatives of methane and ethane - which have found a large application in the production of aerosols. In animal experiments the inhalation of propellants was found to disturb the heart rhythm. Owing to extensive use of aerosols the necessity for further research into the toxicity of propellants is pointed out

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