Effect of commercial yeasts (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) to anthocyanin profile of wines Teran and Cabernet sauvignon


Antocijani su pigmenti crvene boje smješteni uglavnom u kožici bobice crvenog grožđa te pridonose boji crvenih vina. Njihova koncentracija u vinima ovisi o: sorti, području uzgoja, tehnikama vinifikacije. Najzastupljeniji antocijan u vinima proizvedenim od grožđa Vitis vinifera L. je u pravilu malvidin-3- monoglukozid. Utjecaj na ekstrakciju i degradaciju antocijana mogu imati i Saccharomyces cerevisiae kvasci. Identifikacija antocijana u vinima Teran i Cabernet sauvignon berbe 2009. provedena je tehnikom tekućinske kromatografije visoke djelotvornosti. Istraživan je utjecaj tri komercijalna Saccharomyces cerevisiae kvasca (Uvaferm BDX, D254 i Fermol Premier Cru) na koncentraciju antocijana. Rezultati istraživanja pokazali su da kvasci Uvaferm BDX i D254 ekstrahiraju više aciliranih i neaciliranih antocijana.Anthocyanins are red, blue and purple pigments located mainly in the skin of red grape berries and contribute to the color of red wines. Their concentration in wine depends on variety, ecological conditions, growing and vinification techniques. The most common anthocyanin in red wines made from Vitis vinifera L. grapes is generally malvidin-3-monoglucoside. Saccharomyces cerevisiae yeast may have the impact on the extraction and degradation of anthocyanins. Identification of anthocyanins in wines Cabernet Sauvignon and Teran in harvest 2009 was analyzed by the technique of high performance liquid chromatography. The effects of three commercial Saccharomyces cerevisiae yeasts (BDX Uvaferm, D254 and Fermol Premier Cru) on the concentration of anthocyanins were investigated. The results showed that yeasts Uvaferm BDX and D254 extracted more non- acylated and acylated anthocyanins

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