Olive cake as a source of energy


Proizvodnjom maslinovog ulja dobiva se velika količina otpada u obliku komine masline kao čvrste faze, te vegetativne vode kao tekuće faze. Zbrinjavanje tog otpada je zakonska obveza u Europskoj uniji, no nije reguliran način tog zbrinjavanja. U Hrvatskoj je pak Pravilnikom o ekološkoj proizvodnji u uzgoju bilja i u proizvodnji biljnih proizvoda, definirano da se otpad poljoprivredne proizvodnje ne može koristiti bez njegove određene obrade. Komina masline može biti vrijedna sirovina, a osobito se može dobro iskoristiti za proizvodnju energije. U ovom radu naglasak je na dobivanju energije u kogeneracijskim postrojenjima, spaljivanjem peleta komine masline u pećima za biomasu. Na taj način istovremeno se rješava problem komine masline kao otpada uz ekološki prihvatljivo dobivanje energije.In the production of olive oil there is a large quantity of waste in the form of olive cake as the solid phase, and vegetation water as the liquid phase. The disposal of that waste is a legal commitment in the European Union, but the manner of that disposal hasn’t been regulated. The Regulation on Ecological Production in Plant Cultivation and Crop Production in Croatia has defined that the waste of crop production can not be used without its certain processing. Olive cake can be a valuable raw material and it can especially be well- used for the production of energy. The emphasis in this paper is on energy producing in cogenerational plants by burning olive cake pellets in furnaces for biomass. In that way the problem of olive cake as waste is solved at the same time together with ecologically acceptable production of energy

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