
Ultrazvučnim aparatom (ALOHA ECHO CAMERA SSD-210, DX II) i transrektalnom sondom (transducer) od 5 MHz pregledano je 46 kobila pripuštenih od 16 do 58 dana prije pretrage. Za 16 životinja napravili smo ehograme na specijalnom papiru elektronskim tiskačem (MITSUBISHI VIDEO COPY AP 8600). Dijagnoza gravidnosti bila je točna u 100% kobila. Najranije smo dijagnosticirali gravidnost 16. dana nakon pripusta kada smo na ekranu uočili plodni mjehur s plodovom vodom, a 24. i 25. dana osim plodove vode i mjehura vidjeli smo i embrio. U kasnijim fazama ždrebnosti orijentirali smo se prema veličini i položaju ploda i plodova mjehura.Forty-six mares mated from 16 to 58 days prior to examination, were scanned using a linear-array ultrasound scanner (ALOHA ECHO CAMERA SSD-210, DX ll) with a 5 MHz transrectal transducer. For 16 animals images were made on thermopaper using an electronic printer (MITSUBISHI VIDEO COPY AP-8600). The pregnancy diagnosis was accurate in 100% of cases. The pregnancy was detected at the earliest period on the 16th day, when the embryonic vesicle with embryonic fluid was seen on the screen. From the 24th and 25th day, besides embryonic vesicle with fluid, we observed an embryo within the vesicle. In later pregnancy stages our estimation was based upon the foetal growth rate and positon of the foetus and the foetal membranes

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