Fifty Years of the Department of Forensic Medicine and Criminalistics, Faculty of Medicine, University of Rijeka


Prvog veljače 2016. godine Zavod za sudsku medicinu i kriminalistiku Medicinskog fakulteta Sveučilišta u Rijeci proslavio je svoj 50. rođendan. U pedeset godina aktivnosti Zavod za sudsku medicinu i kriminalistiku razvijao se i napredovao u stručnom i znanstvenom smislu, suočavajući se s brojnim profesionalnim izazovima. Djelatnosti Zavoda obuhvaćaju nastavne, stručne i znanstvene aktivnosti. Nastavnici Zavoda uključeni su u programe obavezne i izborne izobrazbe studenata Medicine, Dentalne medicine i Fakulteta zdravstvenih studija. Stručne aktivnosti Zavoda su provođenje sudsko-medicinskih obdukcija, mrtvozornička služba, sudska vještačenja, procjene težine tjelesnih ozljeda, toksikološke i molekularne analize DNK-a. Stručna djelatnost provodi se u suradnji sa sudovima, državnim odvjetništvom, policijom i Uredom za javno zdravstvo Primorsko-goranske županije. Znanstvenom aktivnošću i razvojem novih metodoloških pristupa Zavod nastoji pridonijeti unapređenju sudskomedicinske prakse u Hrvatskoj.On the first day of February 2016, the Department of Forensic Medicine and Criminalistics, School of Medicine, University of Rijeka celebrated its 50th birthday. At fifty years of activity, the Department evolved and progressed in both professional and scientific senses, confronting the many professional challenges. Activities of the Institute include teaching as well as many professional and scientific obligations. Department’s teachers are included in mandatory and elective programs of training medical and dental medicine students and they cover the classes in Faculty of Health Studies. Professional activities comprise of the performing forensic autopsies, conducting a medical examiner’s office, expert witnessing, assessing the severity of injuries, performing toxicological and molecular DNA analyses. In performing professional projects, collaboration with the State’s judiciary (i.e. courts, state’s attorney, and the police) or the County’s Office of Public Health is the most crucial. With its scientific activities and the development of new methodological approaches, the Institute seeks to contribute to the advancement of forensic practice in Croatia

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