Division of Biology, Faculty of Science, University of Zagreb
In the epidermis of some bean legumes of ‘Favorit’ variety of Phaseolus vulgaris L. semi-spherical thickenings of cell walls are formed. Sometimes they are slightly incrusted with calcium carbonate. These thickenings are most frequently found around necrotised epidermal cells and anomal stomata. In the epidermis of ‘Favorit’ legumes irregularly grape shaped and conical cystoliths appear only in the variety described and they might have a taxonomic role too.
Calcium oxalate crystals were found in the exocarp and the mesocarp of ‘Favorit’ and ‘Top-crop’. They are much bigger and more numerous in the mesocarp than in the exocarp.Ovim istraživanjima utvrđeno je da se u epiđermi mahuna vrste Phaseolus vulgaris L. sorte ‘Favorit’ stvaraju polukuglasta zadebljanja staničnih stijenki oko nekrotiziranih stanica epiderme i anomalno građenih puči. Ona su katkad inkrustirana kalcijevim karbonatom. U epi- dermi sorte ‘Favorit’ pronađeni su i cistoliti grozdasta ili čunjasta oblika. Kako se cistoliti pojavljuju samo u navedene sorte, oni bi mogli imati i taksonomsko značenje.
U perikarpu mahuna sorte ‘Favorit’ i ‘Top-crop’ utvrđeni su u egzokarpu i mezokarpu kristali kalcijeva oksalata. Oni su znatno veći u mezokarpu nego u egzokarpu