
Životinjske bjelančevine, dobiveni od termički obrađenih životinjskih nusproizvoda podrijetlom od kopnenih sisavaca, peradi ili riba, zbog svoje hranjive vrijednosti, često se koriste kao dodatak krmnim smjesama. Sitne strukture nekih organa vidljive su mikroskopski pod različitim povećanjima. Mikroskopski u krmivima možemo identificirati dijelove kosti, mišića, hrskavice, dlake, perje, ljuske od jaja, riblje ljuske i ligamente. Dijelove mekih tkiva i kože najčešće ne možemo identificirati zbog termičke obrade u kafilerijama. Uvođenje mikroskopske metode u rutinsku laboratorijsku pretragu za identifikaciju životinjskih tkiva u krmivima, nužna je zbog bolesti goveđe spongiformne encefalopatije (GSE) i njene povezanosti s uporabom i hranidbom životinja životinjskim bjelančevinama.Additional animal proteins in feeds because of their edibility, is by adding ground slaughter by-products originating either from ruminants, poultry or fish. This means that fine structures are visible after microscopic inspection at different magnification. The principal particles of animal origin that might be present in feeds are bones, muscle fibres, cartilage, hairs, feather filaments, egg shells, fish scales and ligaments. Parts from organs, skin and other soft tissues are generally absent, because of their denaturation after sterilisation. The need of this identification is based on the prohibition on adding animal proteins to feeds intended for farm animals therefore a connection between appearance of Bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE) and feeding animals with animal proteins

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