The University of Texas: Looking Forward; Research Libraries in the 21st Century


The Research Library in the 21st Century symposium was held at The University of Texas at Austin over the course of two days, September 11-12, 2006. The idea behind the symposium was to begin shaping a strategy for the future of academic research libraries. We invited some of the best minds in the field and representatives from leading institutions to explore the future of the research library and new developments in scholarly communication. Dr. Fred Heath, Vice Provost and Director of the University of Texas Libraries, prepared a subsequent report – "The University of Texas: Looking Forward; Research Libraries in the 21st Century" – that presents an overview of the principle themes and trends identified over the course of the symposium, with particular attention to their relevance to libraries at the University of Texas. This white paper is available, along with complete transcripts of the symposium presentations, as well as audio files (MP3 format) of the presentations.UT Librarie

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