
O Paleolítico médio de S. Julião da Barra: a industria lítica dos depósitos flúvio-marinhos intervencionados no âmbito da construção do campus universitátio de Carcavelos


Within the scope of the Measures of Minimization of Archaeological Impacts, Neoépica, Lda. was contracted to carry out a set of archaeological surveys in the future University Campus of Carcavelos (Cascais). Implemented on a plot of land between the S. Julião Fort and S. Gonçalo Farm, ten surveys were carried out, in order to make a diagnosis of the archaeological potential of this area. In 3 of these surveys, contiguous, a deposit of alluvial matrix was identified, related to a Tirrenian sea level with concentration of quartzite pebbles in situ, as well as basaltic elements. The group of stone artifacts is dominated by the use of quartzitic pebbles, where the simple, uni and bifacial exploration prevails, with the relevant presence of the levallois technique, which justifies the attribution of the whole set to the Middle Paleolithic. No âmbito das Medidas de Minimização de Impacte Arqueológico, a empresa Neoépica, Lda. foi contratada para a realização de um conjunto de sondagens arqueológicas na empreitada do Campus Universitário de Carcavelos (Cascais). Implantado num terreno entre o Forte de S. Julião e a Quinta de S. Gonçalo, ali foram realizadas 10 Sondagens, por forma a fazer o diagnóstico do potencial arqueológico deste terreno. Em 3 destas sondagens, contíguas, foi identificado um depósito, de matriz aluvionar, com concentração de seixos quartzíticos in situ, assim como elementos basálticos, onde se recolheu o conjunto de artefactos de pedra talhada aqui estudado. Avulta o aproveitamento de seixos quartzíticos, onde predomina a exploração simples, uni e bifacial destes suportes, com a presença relevante da técnica levallois, que faz reportar, de forma global, ao Paleolítico Médio, o conjunto em apreço.Within the scope of the Measures of Minimization of Archaeological Impacts, Neoépica, Lda. was contracted to carry out a set of archaeological surveys in the future University Campus of Carcavelos (Cascais). Implemented on a plot of land between the S. Julião Fort and S. Gonçalo Farm, ten surveys were carried out, in order to make a diagnosis of the archaeological potential of this area. In 3 of these surveys, contiguous, a deposit of alluvial matrix was identified, related to a Tirrenian sea level with concentration of quartzite pebbles in situ, as well as basaltic elements. The group of stone artifacts is dominated by the use of quartzitic pebbles, where the simple, uni and bifacial exploration prevails, with the relevant presence of the levallois technique, which justifies the attribution of the whole set to the Middle

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