
New perspectives about Iron Age and the oasis culture in the Oman Peninsula: two conclusive seasons at la Madam (Sharjah, UAE)


In the course of the last two seasons of work (2010-2011 and 2011-12) at al Madam Site (AM 1 and AM2) the Spanish archaeological team working in Sharjah since 1994, has got unexpected results concerning to the economy and culture of the Iron Age villages, that we just knew. For example, we can study the use of the environment in order to collect building materials or the nature of farmlands. Before the provisional closure of our work in al Madam, we find some news aspects about Iron Age communities in the Oman Peninsula.En el curso de las dos últimas campañas (2010-11 y 2011-12) en al Madam (AM 1 y 2) se han obtenidos inesperados resultados en dos áreas de la economía y la cultura de los poblados apenas conocidas hasta hoy. El uso del entorno para reunir material de construcción y la naturaleza de las explotaciones agrarias. Al cierre provisional del yacimiento encontramos aspectos novedosos sobre la Edad del Hierro en la Península de Omán

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