Virtual Agency: A Hermeneutic Examination of the Network and Actors Within the Composition Classroom


This dissertation explores the visible and invisible rhetorical choices made in, around, and through the composition classroom and its community of practice, students, faculty, technologies, staff, and other undiscovered actors, through Actor Network Theory and Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis. The discoveries will better situate the impact of identities and actancy within composed, hybrid worlds. Students, society, the world is now collectively connected and able to communicate, acquire knowledge, and interact on a virtual world stage. The exigence for this dissertation’s exploration is that Moore, et al. (2016) concluded that students did not make a connection between the technology they have access to normally communicate with in their personal lives and the technologies they used to produce ‘composition’ as writing assignments in the university setting. An attempt to continue as a voice in that conversation begins to look at individuals, who add the value of conversational testimonials, to the quantitative data that will begin to bridge what is known about technology and composition

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