Advancing Objectives-Oriented Evaluation With Participatory Evaluation Methodology – A Mixed Methods Study


The ability to complete program evaluations of educational programming is typically restricted by the availability of resources, such as time, money and a trained evaluator. A mixed methods study was completed to explore the use of a participatory evaluation program evaluation with the use of the program objectives as an advanced organizer. Participatory evaluation is purported to increase organizational learning and promote evaluative thinking within an organization (Cousins & Whitmore, 1998). Objectives oriented evaluation is an easily understood evaluation method which provides a refined focus program outcome (Madaus & Stufflebeam, 1989). An explanatory sequential design was employed utilizing quantitative findings to collect qualitative data to further explore the participants’ experiences completing the program evaluation. The findings indicated that this combined evaluation methodology met the criteria posited in Daigneault and Jacob (2009) and Toal (2009) to be considered participatory in its implementation. It also involved participants in ways which provided them experiences which helped develop evaluative thinking, skills, and beliefs

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