Individual Differences of Ultrasound Assessment of Subcutaneous Fat: Effects of Body Position


The present study evaluated the reliability and effects of body position for 7 ultra­sound (US) measurements of subcutaneous fat made in the standing and lying positions. Triplicate measures were made at each site with an A-scan portable US meter on 4 test days in 30 college women. Reliability across days for the lying and standing measures was significant at p \u3c .01 (range of r from .78 to .97). A repeated measures ANOVA for trials and days for lying and standing was non-significant. The inter-correlations between the lying and standing US scores ranged from r = .89 (scapula) to r = .98 (thigh). All of the standard errors of measurement (Senieas) for each US site were less than 1 mm (average = 0.8 mm). There was little relationship between the US scores and the magnitude of the Semeas (r = ~-27 for standing and r = —.29 for lying). The high intra-trial and inter-day reliabilities, coupled with no significant F-ratios between trials or days, demonstrates the presence of stable individual differences and reproducibility of the 7 US measurements. Because there was no positional effect (lying versus standing), it does not matter which method of measurement is used

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