Novel (CA)n Marker DXYS241 on the Nonrecombinant Part of the Human Y Chromosome


The origin of modem humans can be traced by comparing polymorphic sites in either mitochondria or genomic sequences between humans and other primates. The human Y chromosome has both a nonrecombining region and X-Y homologous pseudo-autosomal regions. In the nonrecombining region events during evolution can be directly detected. At least a part of homology between Xq21 and Y p l l is a result of rather recent translocations from the X chromosome to the Y chromosome. DNA markers residing in the nonrecombining region of the human Y chromosome are potentially useful in tracing male-specific gene flow in human evolution. However, the number of available markers in the region is limited. Here, we report a novel X-Y homologous (CA)„ repeat locus in the nonrecombining region of the Y chromosome. This marker, DXYS241, has several interesting features. Y- and X-chromosome alleles are distinguishable because the Y-chromosome alleles are shorter than the X-chromosome alleles most of the time. We developed 2 primer sets for specific examination of Y- and X-chromosome alleles. The marker should be useful in establishing relationships between populations based on patrilineal gene flow. Sequences homologous to DXYS241 are also found on the X chromosome of primates. Four events during primate evolution that led to the modem human Y chromosome were identified

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