Mathematical Simulation of Calcimine Deliming in the Production of Gelatin


Článek představuje matematický model pohybu acido-bazického rozhraní při chemickém odvápňování klihovky. Model může posloužit k optimisaci chemického odvápňování.Calcimine is a valuable by-product originating during the processing of cured hide into leather. It is used as raw material in the production of gelatin and biodegradable sheets. For further usage, it is necessary to remove calcium hydroxide from calcimine by chemical deliming, which is, from the environmental protection point of view, the most important stage of the entire deliming process. In this article, a mathematical description of chemical deliming is proposed, based on the unreacted nucleus approach. Numerical solution of the model is found, concentration fields of the reacting chemicals described, and the evolution of the acido-basic boundary inside calcimine shown. The model is used to justify a simplified way to determine the effective diffusion coefficient of the deliming agent. The model can also be used as a basis for optimization of the deliming process

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