Care of Patients at the End of Life


Oskrba bolnika ob koncu življenja skuša doseči dva cilja: bolniku omogočiti najboljšo kakovost življenja (umiranja) in poskrbeti za svojce. Za pravilno in pravočasno izvajanje je ključna prava ocena bolnikovega preživetja. Nepaliativni pristop pri oskrbi ob koncu življenja vodi v medicinsko neučinkovito zdravljenje in povečuje bolnikovo trpljenje. Obravnava simptomov je podobna kot v zgodnejših obdobjih paliativne oskrbe. Poseben izziv predstavlja zdravljenje z zdravili. Oskrba se nadaljuje tudi po bolnikovi smrti.Care of patients nearing the end of life is primarily aimed at providing the best possible quality of life to the terminally ill patient and offering support to his family members. To assure appropriate help and to offer it in time, the length of patient’s survival should be assessed. Non-palliative approach to the care of patient nearing the end of life is a path that leads to medical futilityit only increases the patient’s pain and suffering. The treatment of symptoms is similar to that in early stages of palliative care. A special challenge in the care of patients nearing the end of life is the choice of proper drug therapy. The care should be carried on also after the patient’s death by completing the formalities required in the event of death and by giving support to the grieving family members

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