[Treatment locoregionally advanced oesophageal carcinoma - a case report]


V prispevku predstavljamo primer 67-letnega bolnika z napredovalim karcinomom srednje tretjine požiralnika, s širjenjem v zgornjo in spodnjo tretjino, v stadiju T3 N2–3M0. Kljub obsežnosti bolezni je prejel optimalno zdravljenje s predoperativno radiokemoterapijo in operacijo. Uspešen potek zdravljenja je omogočil individualen pristop, tesno sodelovanje vseh strok onkologije in uporaba novih obsevalnih tehnik.In this article, we present a case of a 67-year-old patient with advanced stage T3 N2–3M0 carcinoma of the middle third of the oesophagus which is spreading to the upper and lower thirds. Despite the extensiveness of the disease, the patient received optimal treatment with pre-operative radiochemotherapy and surgery. Successful treatment was a result of an individual approach, close collaboration of all branches of oncology and use of new radiation techniques

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