Članek obravnava načine učenja bodočih strojnikov za delo s strojem za sečnjo.Na prvem takšnem primeru v Sloveniji je opisan in analiziran potek učenja s simulatorjem in merjeni so časi posameznih postopkov pri dveh kandidatih. Opisano je delovanje simulatorja za učenje na stroju Timberjack 1270 D in potek enotedenskega tečaja. Narejena je primerjava med kandidatoma glede porabe časa in števila poškodb na virtualnem stroju in sestoju, ki jih je beležil program simulatorja. Podane so usmeritve za prihodnje študije in spremljanje učinkov strojnikov pri delu.The article considers the possibilities of training future harvester operators. The course of learning with a simulator is described and analysed on the first such example in Slovenia. The times of individual processes are measured in two candidates. The paper describes the operation of a learning simulator for work on the harvester Timberjack 1270 D and the proceedings of aone-week course. A comparison between candidates regarding the consumption oftime and number of damages to the virtual machine and the stand is derived from the data recorded by the programme of the simulator. Directions for future studies and monitoring of operatorsć efficiency at work are also given