
Labour costs in diverse forest work conditions and utilization of wood harvesters


Sodobne tehnologije v procesu pridobivanja lesa zahtevajo skrbno analizo stroškov dela. V ta namen so analizirani nekateri tuji modeli računanja stroškov za strojno sečnjo. Predstavljamo program za analizo stroškov strojne sečnje, ki omogoča izdelavo kalkulacij za stroje za sečnjo in nadaljnjo analizo učinkov in stroškov pri različnih pogojih dela. Predvidene so različice za majhne in velike stroje ter za sestoje iglavcev in listavcev. Program omogoča analizo vplivnih dejavnikov na višino stroškov, med katerimi so najpomembnejši operativna stopnja izkoriščenosti strojev, analizirana v odvisnosti od učinkov in premikov stroja med delovišči, velikost delovišč, koncentracija sečenj in povprečno drevo poseka. Poleg navedenih vplivnih dejavnikov je mogoče analizirati tudi vpliv letne stopnje izkoriščenosti stroja na višino stroškov strojnega dela. Analize so pokazale, da se v splošnem pojavijo največje razlike v stroških dela pri kombinaciji koncentracije 30-40 m3/ha in 0,3 m3 povprečnega drevesa poseka.In contemporary wood production technologies, there is an urgent demand for precise forest operation cost analyses. Some examples of cost calculation for mechanized cutting are analyzed. A new computer procedure for cost calculationis presented. The procedure enables forest operation cost calculation and analyses of productivity in different work conditions. Forest operation productivity for small and big harvesters in coniferous and deciduous stands can be selected. The program also enables analyses of influential factors which affect mechanized cutting costs. The most important influential factor is the operational degree of utilization, which is influenced by transfer of machines between work fields, size of work fields, cutting and tree volume. It is also possible to conduct sensitivity analyses of machine utilization expressed in working hours per year. Generally, sensitivity analyses showed that the labour cost differences are highest at the cutting volume of 40-50m3/ha and 0.3 m3 mean tree volume

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