
Kakovost in vrednost macesna (Larix decidua Mill.) v Karavankah


Although European larch is a commercially important tree species in the Alps, this study is among the first focusing on the quality and value of larch trees. Data from permanent sample plots of the Slovenia Forest Service (802 plots1851 trees) was used to model the quality and value of standing larch trees. The share of excellent and very good quality timber amounted to 49%, but the share of veneer logs and sawlogs I was only 11.7%. The quality and value of larch trees were positively influenced by the diameter at breast height and stand basal area, and negatively by altitude and harvesting intensity. In addition, timber value was higher in stands in regeneration and uneven-aged stands and in stands with a low share of spruce or high share of deciduous tree species. Trees from higher social layers and undamaged trees also proved to have more valuable timber. The quality of larch trees was lower on extreme beech and pine forest types.Čeprav je evropski macesen v Alpah ekonomsko pomembna drevesna vrsta, je ta študija med prvimi, ki obravnava kakovost in vrednost macesnovih dreves. Za modeliranje kakovosti in vrednost macesnovih dreves smo uporabili podatke s stalnih vzorčnih ploskev Zavoda za gozdove Slovenije (802 ploskev1851 dreves). Delež dreves odlične in zelo dobre kakovosti je znašala 49 %, delež furnirja in žagovcev I pa 11,7 %. Pokazalo se je, da na kakovost in vrednost macesnovih dreves pozitivno vplivata prsni premer drevesa in temeljnica sestoja, negativno pa nadmorska višina in intenzivnost sečenj. Vrednost je večja tudi v sestojih v obnovi in raznomernih sestojih ter pri nižjem deležu smreke oziroma višjem deležu bukve. Prav tako imajo višjo vrednost drevesa, ki pripadajo zgornji plasti in so nepoškodovana. Kakovost macesna je slabša na skrajnejših bukovih in borovih rastiščih

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