V prispevku je predstavljen konceptualni okvir družbenoekoloških sistemov, s katerim pojasnjujemo odvisnost in povezave med gradniki in procesi družbene ter ekološke komponente sistemov. Družbenoekološki sistem temelji na konceptu upravljanja z ekosistemi na osnovi ekosistemskih storitev in pojasnjuje medsebojno odvisnost različnih komponent sistema - ekosistemov, ekosistemskih storitev, družbenega sistema in sistema gospodarjenja z ekosistemom. Konceptualni okvir hkrati vključuje vplive podnebja in sosednjih ekosistemov ter učinke institucij in drugih družbenih sistemov na obravnavani družbenoekološki sistem. Omogoča analiziranje in presojo pomembnosti okoljske problematike v izbranem kontekstu ter nudi podporo pri odločanju glede optimalnih rešitev za reševanje obravnavanega problema na ravni krajine ali večjih ekoloških enot.This article presents a conceptual framework of social-ecological systems, which explains dependence and links between building blocks and processes of the system%s social and ecological component. Social-ecological system is based on the concept of the ecosystem service-based management and explains the mutual dependence of diverse system components - ecosystems, ecosystem services, social system and ecosystem management. Conceptual framework simultaneously includes the impacts of climate and neighbouring ecosystems as well as the impacts of institutions and other social systems on the addressed social-ecological system. It enables the analyses and evaluation of the importance of environmental problems in selected context, and gives the support at decisions on optimal solutions for solving the addressed problem on the level of landscape or larger ecological units