
Mathematics in Catalonia : 1990-1996


The aim of this article is to present the main conclusions of the Report on research in Catalonia for the area of mathematics. The report was prepared by Joaquim Bruna, Marta Sanz, Joan de Solà-Morales and the author of this text, and published by the Institute for Catalan Studies in 1998. In the report, scientific activity in the area of mathematics was measured essentially by examining two parameters: papers published in specialised journals and doctoral theses read. It should be recognised that a considerable amount of activity in the field of mathematics consists of applying existing knowledge to the resolution of practical technological problems that arise in particular companies. This kind of scientific activity was not measured in any way in the report due to the difficulty of obtaining objective data. This article is divided into the following sections: human resources, scientific production, funding, research publications, research centres, and conclusions

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