Keynote Address: What Transpires Now: Transgeder HIstory and the Future We Need


The 2017 keynote address presented by special guest Susan Stryker, Associate Professor of Gender and Women\u27s Studies at the University of Arizona. Professor Stryker is also the Director of the Institute for LGBT Studies, founder of the Transgender Studies Initiative, and holds a courtesy appointment as Associate Professor in the Norton School of Family and Consumer Sciences at the University of Arizona. She is the author of many articles and several books on transgender and queer topics, most recently Transgender History (Seal Press 2008). She won a Lambda Literary Award for the anthology The Transgender Studies Reader (Routledge 2006), and an Emmy Award for the documentary film Screaming Queens: The Riot at Compton\u27s Cafeteria (Frameline/ITVS 2005). Currently, she teaches classes on LGBT history, and on embodiment and technology at the University of Arizona. Research interests include transgender and queer studies, film and media, built environments, somatechnics, and critical theory

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