
Effects of Loneliness, Years of Service, and Spiritual Well-Being upon Burn-Out Among Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod Clergy


Past research had concluded that a combination of individual and situational factors interact as causes for burn-out in ministers. This present study sought to measure three factors, loneliness, years of service, and spiritual well-being for their singular and combined impact upon burn-out among Christian pastors. Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod pastors, 276 in number, were surveyed to determine their level of burn-out, together with measure of the afore-mentioned variables. It was expected that fewer years of service, lower spiritual well-being, and higher loneliness would effect increased levels of measured burn-out in the pastors surveyed. A three-way analysis of variance indicated that burn-out scores were effected by loneliness, years of service, and spiritual well-being, but revealed no interaction effects of these three factors upon burn-out scores. Future recommendations for research include attempts to determine likely points in career for burn-out, and future identification of factors which effect increased burnout

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