
Overview of Learning Theories (Chapter 1 of Faith-Based Education that Constructs)


Virtually everyone would agree that the role of the school is to help students learn. The school, as an institution of education, must incorporate a sense of morality or values. This said, the methods of incorporating morality and values into education vary. This chapter explores three of the most common learning theories of the last fifty years: behaviorism, cognitivism, and constructivism. Each section will take a brief glance at the history, background, and definition of each of the theories. Then, the chapter will turn to the strengths and weaknesses of each of the theories, illuminating their role in supporting students\u27 learning. In addition, we will examine how these specific learning theories can be combined with faith in the classroom, in the home-school environment, and in other educational settings. Table 1.1 offers a summary of the three learning theories discussed in this chapter

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