
The Transformation of Asian Fathers: From Distant, Income Provider and Disciplinarian to Forgiven, Discipler & Benefactor


Asian fathers have a tough road to travel upon. The proper image of the father is one of the least successful cover-ups in today’s Asian church. On the surface, there is the attempt to portray him as being successful in his career, confident in his identity and respected as a spiritual leader in his home. Yet when his children are asked to discuss family relationships in the youth group, a different picture comes into focus. It is one of emptiness, distance and sometimes resentment. The typical stereotype of the stern father who shows more care for his personal success and reputation than for his children is all too common. Yet deep down, most fathers want their family relationships to be better, They simply do not know how to make the necessary adjustments. Asian churches may be aware of the issue, but have failed to respond with any effective and meaningful ministry. The shame factor, which dominates Asian culture, is a primary culprit in causing this malady. Men are fearful of openly discussing their personal struggles and failures because they do not want to be perceived as being incapable. Likewise, churches are reluctant to expose their weaknesses. Attempts to help men become better fathers have usually been addressed in the behavioral realm. But a deeper degree of transformation is needed that touches a father’s heart and soul. In this dissertation there is a call for Asian fathers to take a step upward and outward. Instead of being limited by the normal definition of being distant from his children and then being the family provider and disciplinarian, he is invited to receive forgiveness, and become a discipler and benefactor who leaves a spiritual inheritance. This will serve to put him into deeper relationships and allow him to make significant impact in his home. ix Section 1 will define the problem and reveal the broken relationships experienced in many Asian homes. Section 2 states alternative viewpoints and resulting solutions that have been proffered. Section 3 will demonstrate the power of forgiveness and the renewal that comes from a father becoming a discipler and pondering how to be a benefactor. Section 4 describes the artifact which is a collection of stories of Asian fathers as told by their young adult children. Section 5 is the book proposal. Section 6 is the postscript. The appendix contains the artifact which includes sample chapters from the book and an accompanying discipleship guide

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