
Establishing a Deacidification Regimen as Part of Collection Stewardship


Preservationists have long warned about the impending loss of items because of acidic paper. Any librarian who has worked with older materials knows that this warning is compelling. The risk is even more pronounced for the Christian library, especially libraries serving small denominational colleges and seminaries, because they often contain old and rare material, such as denominational historical accounts or small-run monographs, items that secular libraries may have long since discarded. These may be the last copies of an item. An option for non-brittle acidic material is deacidification. The deacidification process has evolved to the point where it is effective at stopping further breakdown, safe for both the person and the item, adaptable to different library budgets and collection sizes, and easy to administer as a component of library collection stewardship. This paper will provide a short, practical explanation of how to develop a deacidification regimen as one component of the overall collection stewardship

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