
Resonant octupole strength at 13 MeVin (58)Ni and (60)Ni and the character of the 53A(-1/3) state in heavy nuclei


Inelastic electron scattering reveals a concentration of resonant E3 strength at (13.3 ± 0.2) MeV in 51Ni and (12.8 ± 0.2) MeV in 60Ni. The energy agrees closely with the 52 A- 1/ ' MeV predicted by Hamamoto for the isovector (1 hwl E3 mode on the basis of the Bohr-Mottelson self-consistent shell model, but the strength, (13 ± 1)% and (8 ± 2)% of the energy weighted sum rule, respectively, is a factor of 5 too large. This result weakens recent arguments in favor of a monopole assignment for the 53 A-i/ 3 MeV resonance found by (e,e'l in heavy nuclei.National Science FoundationNaval Postgraduate School Foundatio

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