Alternatives : envisioning and organizing


On Day 3 (30 June 2019), LAU Kin Chi (Lingnan University, Hong Kong, China) moderated the session of “Alternatives: Envisioning and Organizing” The session is divided into two parts, “Part One: Livelihood and Commoning” and “Part Two: Building Alliances”. Francine MESTRUM (Global Social Justice, Belgium) gave a presentation on “The Quest for Social Justice”. INYAKU Tomoya (Save Seeds, Japan) gave a presentation on “Democratizing food and society by Agroecological transformation”. Ana Terra REIS (Florestan Fernandes National School, Brazil) gave a presentation on the “Brazilian Landless Workers’ Movement (MST)” in Portuguese and Aline PIVA (Florestan Fernandes National School, Brazil) did the interpretation. SIT Tsui (Southwest University, China) gave her presentation on “New Buds on the Old Trees-Rural Movements in China, Brazil, and India”. During part one discussions, Ariel SALLEH (University of Sydney, Australia), Dominique LÄMMLI (FOA-FLUX, Switzerland), HUANG Xiaomei (interpreter, on behalf of some Chinese participants), and CHANG Tianle (Know Your Food, China) raised questions. The speakers responded accordingly. The moderator, LAU Kin Chi (Lingnan University, Hong Kong, China), commented and summed up. In “Part Two: Building Alliances”, MUTO Ichiyo (People’s Plan Study Group, Japan) gave his presentation on “Inter-movement Politics for Inter-people Alliance”. Aline PIVA (International People’s Assembly, Brazil) gave her presentation on the nature of the organization of the International People’s Assembly. Hernan VARGAS (ALBA; Movimiento de Pobladores, Venezuela) gave his presentation on the importance of people’s alliance and the Bolivarian for Our America’s People (ALBA). WEI Ran (Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, China) gave his presentation in Putonghua on the “Soul of Metals: a Cultural Studies on Lithium in Latin America (金属的灵魂:关于南美锂资源的文化研究) . Rolien HOYNG (Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, China) gave her presentation on “In-Formation: Data and E-Waste Matter”. During part two discussions, Francine MESTRUM (Global Social Justice, Belgium), Ariel SALLEH (University of Sydney, Australia), LI Yang (rural reconstruction worker, China), CHEN Zhiyuan (university student, China), and DING Jiaxing (rural reconstruction volunteer) raised questions. The speakers responded accordingly. LAU Kin Chi (Lingnan University, Hong Kong, China) commented and summed up

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