

《百年光影覓香江》是人文學科研究中心在過去兩年來與香港電影資料館合作的研究成果,近日由香港電影資料館出版。這本中英雙語專書是由嶺南大學人文學科研究中心成員合作著寫,嶺南學生也參與資料蒐集。該書向世界各地讀者介紹自上世紀初到今天的香港電影文化發展,同時也附上DVD光盤,錄有香港二十世紀上半葉的珍貴記錄電影片段,和反映從二戰到九七後時代變遷的電影選段。 Hong Kong Memories in Cinema is a research output derived from CHR\u27s collaboration with the Hong Kong Film Archive (HKFA) in the past two years. It is a Chinese-English bilingual book published by HKFA, authored by the staff and fellows of CHR ably assisted by Lingnan students who helped to collect research materials. The book reviews the development of Hong Kong cinema in the past century and introduces its cinema culture to the worldwide audience. The attached DVD consists of precious film footage of Hong Kong in the first half of the 20th century, plus finely selected film footage that reflects the social and ethnographical changes of Hong Kong from the post-war years to post-97

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