
服務研習通訊第二十二期 Office of Service-Learning Newsletters, Volume 22


嶺南大學服務研習處一直努力通過與學系及社區夥伴的緊密合作,為學生提供平台實踐所學,並以專業知識回應社會不同議題。服務研習做就個人成長,促進社會和諧進步。它既帶給同學們及社會正能量,也構成我們堅守使命的動力! 2017 年,是嶺南大學推行服務研習的第十一個年頭。今期【嶺召】為大家帶來六個故事,透過八位學生及畢業生在服務研習經歷中的點滴和感想,我們盼望能與您一起見證服務研習為他們帶來的成長歷程。我們亦想將這份盼望延續,願服務研習能伴您同行,編寫出另一個屬於您的成長故事! The Office of Service-Learning at Lingnan University works closely with academic departments and community partners in order to provide a platform for students to apply and utilize their professional knowledge in response to various social issues. Service-Learning enhances personal development and facilitates harmony and improvement in society. It fosters positive energy in students and the community, while acting as the driving force of our mission! 2017 is the eleventh year since the launch of Service-Learning at Lingnan. In this issue of “SLANT,” we’ve included six stories about eight students’ and graduates’ Service-Learning experiences. We’d like for you to witness the growth they experience during their Service-Learning journeys through their stories. We also hope that these stories inspire you to have your own Service- Learning experiences!

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