
Apolipoprotein E lipoprotein particles inhibit amyloid-β uptake through cell surface heparan sulphate proteoglycan


Binding affinity of heparin-apoE3 interaction. (A) Representative dot blot of heparin and apoE3 particles. Heparin was spotted onto nitrocellulose membrane along with mouse monoclonal anti-apoE antibody, WUE4, as a positive control and normal mouse IgG as a background. Membrane strips were incubated with increasing concentrations of apoE3 particles from immortalized astrocytes. Membrane-bound apoE was then visualized by biotin-conjugate anti-apoE antibody and infrared streptavidin secondary antibody. (B) Integrated infrared signal intensities from each dot were obtained and the average intensities from three independent experiments were plotted to acquire binding affinity curve and the dissociation constant (Kd). (TIF 2432 kb

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