
Pharmacology of Antiparkinsonian Agents


The following is a summary of a two hour class on the basic pharmacology of antiparkinsonian agents. It is presented to fourth-year pharmacy students in pharmacotherapeutics III, a course structured using team-taught modules. Faculty from the Department of Pharmacy Sciences provide instruction on the basic pharmacology of therapeutic agents and faculty from the Department of Pharmacy Practice follow up with a discussion of the therapeutic applications of these agents. This course is lecture-based with opportunities for in-class discussion. One week prior to the lecture sequence on the basic pharmacology of antiparkinsonian drugs, students are provided a handout that includes the reading assignment (1), learning objectives and a topic outline. The topic outline contains the chemical structures of the agents to be discussed as well as the figures, patient scenarios and study questions appearing in this manuscript. During each 50- minute period, material is presented as a lecture tied to patient scenarios. The scenarios are presented in class immediately after covering the pharmacological concepts to which they apply. Students are asked to discuss in small groups potential solutions to the scenarios and to offer their answers to the rest of the class on a volunteer basis. The study questions are geared for preparing for exams and are not discussed in class unless students request. At the end of these two lectures, a homework problem is assigned that introduces the 6-hydroxydopamine rat model of Parkinson’s disease. The following week, a live demonstration related to the homework is presented in class with a short discussion afterwards

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