Using End of Life Care in a Simulation Scenario in an Effort to Help Increase Student Confidence


This evidence-based project examined how using the end of life care in a simulation scenario would help in an effort to increase student confidence. A sample size of 28 Practical Nursing Students participated in the simulation scenario. The Confidence Scale (C-scale) developed by Susan Grundy, was administered to the students as a pre-test prior to the simulation and a post-test after the simulation. The C-scale measured student confidence and consisted of five questions asking the students to rate themselves on a scale of one to five in performing a task. The goal was to see if the student’s confidence level increased. In conclusion, the statistical analysis and t-test revealed a significant increase in the student’s confidence after the end of life simulation scenario. The statistical analysis and t-test did reveal there was a significant increase in the student’s confidence after the simulation scenario

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