COVID-19 se je hitro razširil po vsem svetu in povzročil pandemijo, ki je prinesla mnoge ukrepe varovanja javnega zdravja in spremenila življenje tudi nosečnicam. Vsled tega je namen zaključnega dela raziskati vpliv pandemije COVID-19 na duševno zdravje nosečnic.
Zaključno delo temelji na raziskovalni metodi dela analize in sinteze podatkov. Izveden je bil »scooping« pregled (pregled obsega) znanstvene literature. Literaturo smo iskali v podatkovnih bazah Cinahl, MEDLINE, SAGE Journals in Web of Science glede na vključitvene in izključitvene kriterije. Potek iskanja virov smo prikazali s PRISMA diagramom. Kakovost izbranih člankov smo ocenjevali in jih uvrstili v nivo s pomočjo hierarhije dokazov. Rezultate smo pridobili na osnovi vsebinske analize in sinteze zbranih podatkov.
V analizo in pregled smo vključili 34 člankov. Ugotovili smo, da so negotovosti in spremembe v zdravstveni praksi v času pandemije ustvarile dodatno zaskrbljenost ter negativno vplivale na duševno zdravje nosečnic. Nosečnice tako tvegajo razvoj duševnih težav, kot so depresija, tesnoba in simptomi posttravmatskega stresa. Raziskovalci poudarjajo psihosocialno podporo in pomen spremljanja perinatalnega duševnega zdravja med pandemijo za zaščito duševnega zdravja nosečnic.
Pregled literature na temo duševnega zdravja nosečnic v času pandemije COVIDA-19 pri slednjih izkazuje strah, zaskrbljenost, depresijo in anksioznost. Kako razsežen je psihološki vpliv pandemije, ki še vedno traja, še strokovnjaki sami ne vedo, zato bodo v prihodnje potrebne nove raziskave.COVID-19 spread rapidly around the world and caused a pandemic that brought many measures to protect public health and changed the lives of pregnant women as well. Consequently, the purpose of the final work is to investigate the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the mental health of pregnant women.
The diploma paper is based on the research method of data analysis and synthesis. A scooping review of the scientific literature was performed. We searched for literature in the databases Cinahl, MEDLINE, SAGE Journals and Web of Science, according to the inclusion and exclusion criteria. The process of searching for sources was presented with a PRISMA diagram. The quality of the selected articles was assessed and ranked using a hierarchy of evidence. The results were obtained on the basis of content analysis and synthesis of collected data.
We analyzed and examined 34 articles. We found out, that uncertainties and changes in health practices during the pandemic created additional concerns, and negatively affected on the mental health of pregnant women. Pregnant women are thus at risk of developing mental problems such as depression, anxiety and post-traumatic stress symptoms. The researchers emphasize psychosocial support and the importance of monitoring perinatal mental health during a pandemic to protect the mental health of pregnant women.
A review of the literature on the mental health of pregnant women during the COVID-19 pandemic shows fear, anxiety, depression and anxiety in the latter. The extent of the psychological impact of the pandemic, which is still ongoing, is not known to experts yet, that is why further researches in the future are necessary