Designing the main hatch lever on a small hydroelectric plant


Diplomsko delo prikazuje postopek iskanja optimalnega dizajna ročice, ki je nameščena na glavni loputi male hidroelektrarne. Dizajn nove ročice se išče na osnovi obstoječega mehanizma, ki trenutno služi odpiranju in zapiranju glavne lopute. Skozi nalogo se srečamo z raznimi metodami, kot sta metoda končnih elementov ter optimizacija topologije, s katerimi si pomagamo pri iskanju optimalne konstrukcijske rešitve. Metode so najprej predstavljene teoretično in kasneje aplicirane na konkretnem primeru.The thesis presents the process of searching for the optimal design of a lever, positioned on the main hatch of a small hydroelectric plant. The design of the new lever is being searched on the ground of the existing mechanism, which currently serves for opening and closing of the main hatch. Through the thesis, we are getting to know different methods, like the finite element method and topology optimization, which aid us in the search for an optimal construction solution. The methods are first presented theoretically and later applied to a specific case

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