Smoothed particle hydrodynamics algorithm in 2D space


V tem magistrskem delu obravnavamo algoritem za hidromehaniko zglajenih delcev v 2D prostoru. Algoritem je bil sprva razvit za probleme na področju astrofizike, kasneje pa se je uveljavil kot algoritem za simulacije tekočin. Glavna lastnost algoritma je interpolacija veličin simuliranega fizikalnega pojava s sistemi delcev. S tem se razlikuje od algoritmov, ki simulirajo fizikalne pojave s topološkimi mrežami. Predstavimo teoretično podlago algoritma v 2D prostoru in izvedbo na praktičnem primeru simulacije tekočine v 2D prostoru.In this master\u27s thesis we present smoothed particle hydrodnymics (SPH) algorithm in 2D space. SPH was originaly developed for problems in astrophysics and later gained traction in fluid simulation comunity. The main property of the algorithm is the smoothing of physical quantities of the underlying simulated problem with system of particles. This is also the main difference between SPH and other set of algorithms which solve simulation problem with mesh topology. In this thesis we will provide theoretical description of the algorithm in 2D space and practiclal demostration of 2D fluid simulation

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