The theme of the water in picture books for children in pre-school age


Vsebina diplomskega dela se nanaša na kakovostne leposlovne slikanice, katerih tema je voda. Obravnavali smo šest kakovostnih leposlovnih slikanic, s katerimi smo otrokom v predšolskem obdobju približali različne zvrsti in vrste literarnih besedil. V teoretičnem delu diplomskega dela je predstavljen pomen branja kakovostnih slikanic v predšolskem obdobju, definicija kakovostne slikanice, interakcija med besedilom in ilustracijo v slikanicah ter pomen odrasle osebe kot bralnega zgleda.This bachelor’s thesis is based on quality fiction picture books about water. We dealt with six quality fiction books which helped introducing various types and genres of literary texts to children in the pre-school period. The theoretical part of the thesis stresses the importance of reading quality fiction picture books in the pre-school period, the definition of a quality fiction picture book, the interaction between the text and the illustrations in picture books, and the significance of an adult person as a reading model

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