V 21. stoletju vsakdanje življenje poteka po ustaljenih tirnicah, toda po svetu smo izpostavljeni povečani nevarnosti terorističnih napadov, saj smo lahko pogosto soočeni z odmevnimi morilskimi pohodi, ki v družbi izzovejo občutke strahu, negotovosti in apatijo.
Izvedeni so teroristični napadi, ko posamezniki svoja dejanja izvajajo povsem samostojno, kjer je preizkušena nova oblika – napad terorista samotarja (angl. lone wolf terrorist). Gre za medijsko odmevne primere, ki sprožijo val ugibanj o motivih in vzrokih za delovanje, saj se na svoj napad pripravljajo izolirano, neodvisno in na lastno pobudo ter po navadi iz zavetja lastnega doma, zato je njihovo ravnanje nemogoče predvideti. Za pripravo in izvedbo svojih dejanj torej ne potrebujejo visoke tehnologije, večjih količin eksploziva ali finančnih sredstev, prav tako ne veliko časa. V večini primerov so teroristi samotarji visoko izobraženi posamezniki z izoblikovanim političnim, ideološkim ali kulturnim prepričanjem, ki se s spretno uporabo virtualne skupnosti ali podporo teroristične skupne v osami radikalizirajo in izvedejo napad. Takšen napad je 27. julija 1996 izvedel desničarski skrajnež Eric Robert Rudolph, ki je v Atlanti na olimpijskih igrah aktiviral doma izdelano cevno bombo. Njegov razlog za napad je bil političen: povzročitev čim večje finančne izgube in izgube nadzora nad dogajanjem ter s tem namenom doseči ukinitev izvajanja splavov v ZDA. Na napad se je temeljito pripravljal, saj je po aretaciji priznal, da je ubijal zavestno in da ne obžaluje svojih dejanj. V izogib smrtni kazni je priznal krivdo in bil obsojen na kazen doživljenjskega zapora brez možnosti pogojne izpustitve.
Obveščevalno-varnostne službe, policija in anonimni hekerji se skupaj trudijo prepoznati in prestreči potencialne teroriste samotarje, vendar si le-ti izbirajo vse drznejše napade, saj se na ta način izmuznejo nadzornemu sistemu in udarijo tam, kjer preiskovalci ne pričakujejo. Teroristi samotarji razvijajo tehniko, kot je npr. šifriranje sporočil, s katero poskušajo zaobiti obrambo visoke tehnologije. Sprašujemo se, kako bi končali dobo terorja, saj teroristi iščejo nove in bolj sofisticirane načine, kako znova napasti.In the 21st Century everyday life follows a predictable path, but throughout the world we are exposed to intensified danger of terrorist attackswe’re often faced with attention-grabbing death marches, which in society provoke feelings of fear, insecurity and apathy.
Terrorist attacks are carried out, when the individuals execute their actions completely autonomously, where a new form is tested – an attack of a lone wolf terrorist. Cases like that are much noticed in the media and they start a wave of guessing about the motives and causes for the action, since the aggressors prepare for their attack in isolation, independently and on their own initiative, usually from the shelter of their own home, therefore their behaviour is impossible to predict. For the preparation of the execution of their actions they, thus, don’t need high technology, larger amounts of explosives or financial means or even a lot of time. In the majority of cases the lone wolf terrorists are highly educated individuals with formed political, ideological and cultural opinion, who with a skilful usage of virtual society or support from a terrorist group in isolation radicalize themselves and carry out an attack. Such an attack was carried out on 27th July 1996 by a rightist extremist Eric Robert Rudolph, who at the Olympic games in Atlanta activated a homemade pipe bomb. His reason for the attack was political: to cause as much financial damage and loss of control over the happening and thus achieve an abolition of abortions in USA. His preparations for the attack were extensive, since after the arrest he admitted that he killed wilfully and that he has no remorse. To avoid death sentence, he admitted his guilt and was condemned to life in prison without a possibility of parole.
Intelligence and security services, police and anonymous hackers are collectively trying to recognize and intercept the potential lone wolf terrorists, but the attacks of the latter are becoming more and more bold, since in such a way they avoid the control system and hit where the investigators don’t expect. The lone wolf terrorists are developing a technique, such as coded messages, with which they try to bypass the defence of the high technology. Our questions are concerned with how to end the era of terror, since the terrorist keep seeking new and more sophisticated means for yet another attack